Inferior Occipital Sulcus

The following primary sulci were then visible until ED 120: the superior temporal sulcus on ED 90; the intraparietal sulcus, lunate sulcus, inferior occipital sulcus, and arcuate sulcus on ED 100; and the principle sulcus on ED 110; the occipitotemporal sulcus, anterior middle temporal sulcus, and superior postcentral dimple on ED 120.  

Most of area hOc5 is found in the depths of the anterior occipital sulcus and the anterior parts of either the inferior lateral occipital or the inferior occipital sulcus.  

Central visual fields are represented in posterior and lateral portions of V3v, in the inferior occipital sulcus, while the periphery of the visual field is represented anteriorly, on the tentorial surface.  

Response properties were compared between the sulcus and the gyrus, extending between the anterior tip of the posterior middle temporal sulcus and the inferior occipital sulcus.  

In the go/no-go task, when compared with the control, a significant increase in rCBF was noted in the following regions: (1) the principal sulci; (2) the anterodorsal frontal pole; (3) the anterior part of the inferior occipital sulcus which appeared to be the V4; and (4) the parieto-occipital region.  

The lateral extrastriate region above the inferior occipital sulcus (IOS) has strong connections to both the PL and PI nuclei and has minor projections to the PM and oral pulvinar nuclei.  

In all nine subjects studied, performance of a face-matching task was associated with a region of significantly increased MR signal in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex, extending from the inferior occipital sulcus to the lateral occipitotemporal sulcus and fusiform gyrus.  

The visual periphery is located medio-dorsally, the central visual field laterally near (and within?) the inferior occipital sulcus and the upper quadrant latero-ventrally.  

The projection to the inferior occipital sulcus is more extensive than the ones to the lunate and superior temporal sulci and involves the floor as well as the ventral bank.  

In addition, certain parts of area 18, in the annectent gyrus and the inferior occipital sulcus, send 'crossed', dorsoventral connections to ventral and dorsal parts of area 19, respectively.  

It was concluded that the posterior limit of the inferotemporal visual learning area is at the ascending limb of the inferior occipital sulcus, and that the posterior subdivision thus comprises the single anatomical area TEO and does not extend into areas OA and OB..  

The latter projection includes the posterior lip of the inferior occipital sulcus which, on anatomical grounds, is regarded as the ventral extension of V4.  

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